HulaHoop Workshop - Leipzig 11.01.13 - mit Birte (Berlin)

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    • Birte:
      "Ich habe diesen Workshop gerade in den Niderlande das erste Mal getestet und hatte so unglaublich viel Spass und so gutes Feedback, dass ich das Konzept unbedingt nach Leipzig bringen möchte. Kommt und ich garantiere euch Endorphine gegen Wintergrummel!!!"

      Movement. Feeling free with your hoop. Enjoying your tricks as new.This is what this class is all about.

      Creativity doesn´t have a swich. But we will learn ways to go into the creative zone an reccombine the tricks we´ve been playing for so long already. By learning new ways to move with our own repertoir of tricks, by focusing on space inside the hoop and around us, by playing with different spaces, we appriciate again the tricks that we know already. We will relearn the alphabet of our tricks. And learning new combinations and transitions between our most loved tricks enables us to play and dance more freely than before. Focusing on a variety of music teaches us to express ourselves with the hoop in our personal style.
      We will move, big and small, quick and slow, up and down, we will move forward, sideward, backward and all around. We will move with all the fun and joy that hooping can be!