Ich suche dringend diese DVD

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    • Ich suche dringend diese DVD

      hallo community,

      ich suche die DVD von Srikanta Barefoot >dancing with the firestaff< allerdings nicht als online variante sondern als reale DVD die ich in meinen player schmeißen kann. ich hab mich schon dämlich danach gesucht im netz...

      kann mir jemand helfen?

      grüße, steffen
    • Wie gut is dein Englisch?

      “Do I get a physical DVD?”
      Just as there is no physical CD when you purchase an album on iTunes nor a physical
      book when you purchase a book through Kindle, there is no physical DVD when purchasing Dancing with the Fire Staff. As modern technology makes this kind of distribution available, people are learning to value the content of digital products without their wasteful physical counterparts.
      Kaufen... Runterladen... aufm PC anschauen.
      There is no 'I' in 'Team', but theres a 'We' in 'Weapon' !
      „Im Leben kommt es darauf an, Hammer oder Amboß zu sein - aber niemals das Material dazwischen.”

      Auf mehrfache Nachfrage: "JA! Ich bin größenwahnsinnig" :)
    • Achja und da du die DVD ned gekauft hast bis jetzt... vor paar Tagen kam die Email hier:

      Dear Dancing with the Fire Staff Customer,

      I've recently been informed that Videolla (the website where the instructional videos are currently hosted) will be shutting down soon. This means that the videos will no longer be available online. Videolla has refused to provide more information about the sites closure despite multiple attempts to contact them. Thus, I'm unable to say when this might happen.

      I recommend downloading the videos asap before the site closes (if you haven't already). Most of you purchased the $20 Streaming plus Download Option, so you have simply to navigate to the videos you wish to download and select this option. For those of you who purchased the $15 Streaming ONLY Option, please reply with the purchase date and email address with which you used to subscribe to Videolla and I will respond with an access code which will allow you to download.

      I regret this unfortunate state of affairs which remains outside of my control. I'm currently looking into alternatives to keep the dvd available to the world. I'll be sure to keep you informed about the future life of the dvd. Thanks for your understanding!


      There is no 'I' in 'Team', but theres a 'We' in 'Weapon' !
      „Im Leben kommt es darauf an, Hammer oder Amboß zu sein - aber niemals das Material dazwischen.”

      Auf mehrfache Nachfrage: "JA! Ich bin größenwahnsinnig" :)